grdmix - Blending and transforming grids and images.
from pygmt.clib import Session
from pygmt.helpers import (
from pygmt.io import load_dataarray
def grdmix(grid=None, outgrid=None, **kwargs):
Blending and transforming grids and images.
This function will perform various operations involving images and grids.
We either use an *alpha* grid, image, or constant to add a new alpha
(transparency) layer to the image given as *raster1*, or we will blend
the two *raster1* and *raster2* (grids or images) using the *weights* for
*raster1* and the complementary *1 - weights* for *raster2* and save to
*outgrid*. Alternatively, we will deconstruct an image into its component
(red, green, blue or gray) grid layers or we construct an image from its
normalized component grids. All operations support adjusting the final
color image via an *intensity* grid, converting a color image to
monochrome, or strip off the alpha layer. All *raster?*, *alpha*,
*intensity* and *weights* files must have the same dimensions. The optional
*alpha*, *intensity* and *weights* files may be replaced by constant values
Full option list at :gmt-docs:`grdmix.html`
grid : str or xarray.DataArray or list
The file name of the input grid(s) or the grid(s) loaded as a single
DataArray. If only one is given and **construct** is not set then
*raster1* must be an image. If two are given then *raster1* and
*raster2* must both be either images or grids. If three are given then
they must all be grids and **construct** must be set.
outgrid : str or None
The name for the output raster. For images, use one of these
extensions: tif (GeoTIFF), gif, png, jpg, bmp, or ppm. For grids, see
:gmt-docs:`Grid File Formats <grdimage.html#grid-file-formats>`.
construct : bool
Construct an output image from one or three normalized input grids;
these grids must all have values in the 0-1 range only (see
``normalize="i"`` if they don't).
deconstruct : bool
Deconstruct a single image into one or three output grids. An extra
grid will be written if the image contains an alpha (transparency
layer). All grids written will reflect the original image values in the
0-255 range exclusively; however, you can use ``normalize="o"`` to
normalize the values to the 0-1 range. The output names uses the name
template given by **outgrid** which must contain the C-format string
"%c". This code is replaced by the codes R, G, B and A for color images
and g, A for gray-scale images.
normalize : str
[**i**\|\ **o**][*divisor*].
Normalize all input grids from 0-255 to 0-1 and all output grids from
0-1 to 0-255. To only turn on normalization for input *or* output, use
``normalize="i"`` or ``normalize="o"`` instead. To divide by another
value than 255, append an optional *divisor*.
with GMTTempFile(suffix=".nc") as tmpfile:
with Session() as lib:
file_context = lib.virtualfile_from_data(check_kind="raster", data=grid)
with file_context as infile:
if "G" not in kwargs.keys(): # if outgrid is unset, output to tempfile
kwargs.update({"G": tmpfile.name})
outgrid = kwargs["G"]
arg_str = " ".join([infile, build_arg_string(kwargs)])
lib.call_module("grdmix", arg_str)
return load_dataarray(outgrid) if outgrid == tmpfile.name else None